

As professional funeral caterers, we understand funerals are planned at short notice and we are here to quickly respond assisting you during an exceedingly difficult time to create a menu that reflects the requirements of your family and close friends. Offering many different options including Finger Food Buffets, Fork Buffets, Afternoon and Tea packages and as with all aspects of our catering we will include alternatives to meet any dietary or allergens your guests may have. We can work directly with your chosen funeral director should you wish. Hot and cold refreshments can be included with any menu. Our own uniformed professional staff are on hand if required to assist with service should you require displaying their experience in such gatherings and are polite, discreet and unobtrusive.


You can contact us using the details below or alternatively by using our contact page, where you can provide us with more

07957 978123 | info@gibbons-catering.com



Drop & Go price includes - Cold are delivered chilled on platters with see through lids ready to serve / Hot are delivered chilled in foil containers ready for you to heat & serve with Delivery

Served price includes - Serving Staff for 2 hours, set up, serve, clear & tidy away, Crockery plates, Stainless cutlery, Disposable napkins, Delivery