

llawn corbys gorgous cyfoethog sy'n cynnwys ceirch, haidd, gwenith a llysiau, gwlad sy'n adnabyddus am ei seigiau swmpus, cynhwysion ffres, a bwyd iachus. Mae’r fwydlen hon yn arddangos llawer o’r seigiau mwyaf traddodiadol o Gymru a fydd yn gwneud ichi ganu o’r cymoedd


Welsch full of rich gorgeous pulses that include oats, barley, wheat and vegetables, a country known for its hearty dishes, fresh ingredients, and wholesome fare. This menu showcases many of the most traditional dishes from Wales that will make you sing from the valleys

These buffets were originally created to be delivered to Rugby Union supporters to enjoy whilst watching the Six Nations Tournament every February/March only

but have become so popular with other groups we now produce them all year round due to the demand


You can contact us using the details below or alternatively by using our contact page, where you can provide us with more details.

07957 978123 | info@gibbons-catering.com


Welsh Finger Buffet Menu Pdf
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