

Yàzhōu rén Shì yī zhǒng jùyǒu xǔduō dìqū chāyì de duōyuán huà měishí, dàn tā jùyǒu yīxiē gòngtóng de fēngwèi tèzhēng, jiāng tián, suān, là, kǔ de wèidào rónghé zài yīdào cài zhōng. Tōngcháng bāokuò de chéngfèn dàmǐ, shēngjiāng, dàsuàn, zhīma, làjiāo, gàn yángcōng, dàdòu hé dòufu. Pēngtiáo fāngfǎ bāokuò chǎo, zhēng, zhà. Zhídì tōngcháng bāokuò sōng cuì hé róuruǎn de yuánsù de zǔhé; hùnhé xiāngliào


Asian Is a diverse cuisine with many regional variations, but it has some common characteristics of Flavor,
combining sweet, sour, spicy& bitter tastes in a single dish.; Ingredients which commonly include rice, ginger, garlic, sesame seeds, chilies, dried onions, soy, and tofu.; Cooking methods including stir frying, steaming, and deep frying.; Texture often including a combination of crunchy & soft elements; Spice blends
often blending whole spices or freshly grinding them.

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All Asian Menus Pdf
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