Scottish Finger Buffet Menu AAAAA



Drop & Go price @ £ 15.00 per guest

Served price @ £ 17.95 per guest


Minimum number 15 guests


Ceapairean (Sandwiches)


Roll & ceapaire ceàrnagach - (Roll & square sandwich)

Lorne square sausage


Ceapaire haggis - (Haggis sandwich)

Haggis,bacon,onion chutney


Maragan pease, ceapaire saveloy agus piccalilli - (Pease pudding,saveloy & piccalilli sandwich)


Ceapaire bracaist albannach Cheddar agus onion - (Cheddar and onion Scottish breakfast sandwich)

Scone with ham,spinach,egg,mustard




Savoury Items


Bradan air a smocadh air sgonaichean buntàta/tattie - (Smoked Salmon & caboc cheese on Potato/Tattie Scones)


Forfar Bridie - (Forfar Bridie)

The Cornish pasty of Scottish food


Pìos albannach - (Scotch pie)

Hot water crust pastry round, straight-sided double-crust pie, filled with minced mutton & spiced


ceàrnagan rolla isbean Latharna - (Lorne sausage roll squares)


Haggis neeps albannach agus tattie roll - (Scottish haggis neeps and tattie roll(

Sausage roll shape in puff pastry


Haggis, neeps & taties pie le sabhs uisge-beatha(V)(VEGAN) - (Haggis, neeps & taties pie with whiskey sauce)

vegetarian haggis, shortcrust pastry tart, potato, swede, cheddar, onion, whiskey, mustard


Venison skewer - (Venison skewer)

Vension,red onion,mushroom,pepper marinated


Bìdean cearc bhaile mhoireil (cnoc cearc agus rolagan bacon) - (Balmoral chicken bites)

Chicken,haggis,bacon skewers




Sweet Items


Rowie - (Buttery)

Mix between a roll and a croissant


Meòir aran goirid albannach - (Scottish shortbread fingers)


Crisps salainn mara Mackie

(Mackie's sea salt crisps)